Fund Raising with Authentic Black Art Products

Tips on Running a Successful Fund Raising Drive
Appoint a Fund Raising Coordinator to organize and control the fund raising effort.
Contact us via phone, fax, email or mail for your FREE
information package.It contains sample cards, profit charts, a group participation chart and brochures
to use for display purposes during your committee meetings.
After your meetings,
Call and Request Seller Packs* for each member that will be selling.
Each person will receive brochures, order forms and a sample card. Contact friends,
family, co-workers and neighbors in order to sell as many items as possible. (*There is a 50 cent charge per seller pack. This charge will be subtracted from your order, provided it exceeds $1,000.)
Motivate Your Group By Setting a GoalHow much do you need to raise? Set a goal for each member of your group to sell a
minimum of 10, 20, or 50 boxes each to receive excellent fund raising results.
Spell It Out for ThemIf we sell 10 boxes each and there are 50 members, 500 boxes sold gives us a $2500
profit. Profits add up quickly!
Collect All Money when the orders are taken. Please advise your members
not to accept checks written to Artful Greetings because they will be returned to your organization.
Consolidate The OrderConsolidate individual orders on a tally sheet for your purposes.
Retain individual order forms to fill each member’s order when the products arrive.
Prepare The Bulk OrderTransfer totals to a bulk order summary sheet to be sent to Artful Greetings.
Subtract your profit and add shipping & handling to determine the amount to be sent.
Mail your order along with payment when paying by money order or cashier’s check.
Fax your order when using a debit card, VISA, AMEX, Discover or Master Card.
When paying by organization, church, or school check,
add 2 weeks to the delivery time.
PERSONAL CHECKS WILL BE RETURNED!Orders ship within 5 business days of receipt of payment
When you receive your order
check the contents of the box against the Artful Greetings
typed invoice BEFORE distributing the products.
Please fill out the fields below to receive FREE information about our Regular & Virtual Fund Raising programs.